Street Fighter 6 | Year 1 Character Reveal Trailer 3

2023-04-21 3

In the first year after the launch of Street Fighter 6, four new fighters will be added to the game's roster. Rashid will make his return in Summer 2023, while A.K.I. will join in Autumn 2023 and Ed will strike back in Winter 2024. The legendary Akuma will also join the fight in Spring 2024.

All four of these characters will be featured in the World Tour mode where you can learn their Special Moves and build a stronger bond with them. In addition, the Year 1 Characters will be available in the Deluxe and Ultimate Editions of the game.
Rashid, A.K.I., Ed, and Akuma will be the first DLC characters to be added to Street Fighter 6. For more information, check out the announcement from Street Fighter 6 producer Shuhei Matsumoto.

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